
Temporal Anthropologist Ball

The first of April was the birthday of Dr. Serendipity Brown, the woman who invented time travel back in the 24th century and thus made temporal anthropology possible. So in her honor, every 1st of April, we hold the Annual Association of Temporal Anthropologists Meeting and Ball. Actually we will have the meeting this weekend, but this evening will be the ball. This year it will be held at the Empress Hotel in Victoria in the Crystal Ballroom.

I've never been able to visit the Empress while in the field, because it wasn't built until 1908. I understand they almost tore it down in 1965, but the entire city protested and she was restored and has been carefully preserved all these centuries.

Dr. Chester Black Buffalo
in his formal ball attire
The annual meeting is the one time when all the Temporal Anthropologists try to make it home so we can all gather together. I imagine it must look like a giant masquerade party since we are all in our period clothes. Next to an Egyptian or Viking, suddenly a Victorian doesn't look all that exotic anymore. It is quite a spectacle because everyone wears their best attire for the ball.

I'll be wearing a Victorian tuxedo. Maybe it's just my tailcoat, but all the ladies want to dance with me when they play a waltz. I'll be sure to save a dance for Dr. Warwick. Been too long since I've seen Matilda. She is quite a sight in her medieval gown.

Today I'm meandering about the Empress, chatting with my colleagues. Later, I'll see if I can pull Matilda away for tea. The Empress is famous for its afternoon teas. Definitely do not wish to miss that.

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